Serving Canada (located in Edmonton, Alberta)

The Resonance of Trapped Emotions
"Each trapped emotion resides in a specific location in the body vibrating at its own particular frequency, before long that vibration will cause surrounding tissues to vibrate at that same frequency, we call this phenomenon resonance. Tuning forks demonstrate how powerfully our universe responds to resonance, if you strike a tuning fork and place it against a pane of glass the glass will begin to vibrate at the same frequency, that's because the tuning fork forces the energies that make up the glass into motion to be in sync with its own vibration. When you have a trapped emotion it’s a bit like having a tuning fork in your body that is continually vibrating at the specific frequency of a negative emotion."
"Negative vibrations of trapped emotions will cause you to attract more of that emotion into your life, you will also tend to feel that emotion more readily and more often than you otherwise would. For example, anger as a trapped emotion; whenever you come into a situation where you could become angry it’s much more likely that you will become angry because in a fascinating and literal way, part of you is already angry, it's just easier for the body to fall into resonance with anger when something happens that could elicit an angry response from you"