Serving Canada (located in Edmonton, Alberta)

Complementary Consultation
This complimentary15 minute phone consultation is a great opportunity to ask questions, get some help deciding on the session type that is right for you, and clarify the issue (s) you wish to work on - this is highly recommended if you are new to the Emotion Code or Body Code

What is Proxy?
"A proxy is someone who acts as a temporary substitute to the person being tested by voluntarily putting themselves into the position of standing in for someone else.
Quantum Physics has proven a thing called "Entanglement" this is when an electron moves in one place and there is a corresponding action somewhere else because those electrons are entangled. In other words, we are connected to everything. This understanding of our deep connection to everything and everyone around us allows us to expand our conception of how we can affect those who aren’t present in front of us.
By connecting with them energetically, we can practice the Emotion Code & Body Code on another person who is far away"