Serving Canada (located in Edmonton, Alberta)
Meet Your Practitioner

The energy work methods of Brad Nelson at Discover Healing have had a significant impact on my life. I deeply connected with the Emotion Code when I read the book years ago and I found myself intrigued by the scientific approach presented within. After my initial session, which brought immediate relief, (click here to read) I began to incorporate this technique for various aspects of my life, I have been continually amazed by the outcomes. Having access to these powerful tools has given me greater control and peace of mind regarding my emotional, mental, and physical health, I am also able to assist others and witness their incredible transformations. I'm truly grateful to have discovered this modality that promotes harmony and balance within.
Energy (resonance/vibration) is the foundation of our universe and influences everything, I am passionate about the potential of Energy Healing and committed to continuously deepening my understanding in this field. Bonnie Quiring

Wellbeing Starts Here
The Emotion Code and Body Code are forms of holistic energy healing that work on the theory that harmful emotional energies from negative past events may be the cause of present-day issues.
The approach utilizes the wisdom of the subconscious mind through the mind-body connection to identify energetic imbalances that are associated with an issue, allowing us to shift our energy and in turn help to enhance wellbeing. This is not meant to replace any medical treatment but by correcting underlying energetic imbalances we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body may disappear, energy levels may be raised, and emotional issues may become more manageable.